February 25, 2013

I am ashamed of Myself...

So I have proved that I do not have any will power or may have lost all of that in the recent times... Yes I am ASHAMED... DEEPLY ASHAMED of myself for not being able to keep just one promise that I made to myself...that I would have a check on my lifestyle, that I would at least give one honest chance to myself for losing weight. But I FAILED... Failed badly in my attempt just like all the previous attempts...
Its been a week since my first post where I decided to start a healthy lifestyle. However, I had been lousy for the entire week and am yet to start implementing what I planned to... I have enrolled myself in a gym... paid those 4000 bucks for the entire year already... bought lemons... stocked my kitchen with all the healthy options... searched the net for weight loss recipes... but have failed miserably to collect a little bit of courage or I must call it INTEREST to drag myself to the GYM.

Oh God... I hate Myself...

So what do I do now... Do I lose all hope and just continue being the lousy couch potato that I am...? or shall I remain focused and kick-start what I have planned to...? I guess the later option is better...
So... I am gonna come back and start writing the day I actually begin my journey to look Fab from FAT...
Till then... please wish me luck...

February 17, 2013

Self-Realization and Corrective Action

I AM A HUGE FOODIE... it doesn't meant that I am a voracious eater; but I usually binge on what the other girls of my age would run away from... fatty burgers with lots of mayonnaise, butter, street food and other junk eatables. Before my marriage I at least used to work out a little but after that... i became a hopeless junk eater... and I ate and ate and ate...and before I could realize I was already standing at 92 Kgs.
I mean imagine, someone who is just 26 and newly married weighs 92 kilos...
Eventually I made a new year resolution that I would start looking after myself (I mean would start exercising) and made infinite attempts of getting up early in the morning and to go for a jog. But alas... I never actually made it. As each day passed, I grew more and more depressed especially whenever I looked at my own pictures where I looked fab...
People usually think that fat/obese guys do not feel guilty over what they eat or about their sedentary lifestyle... As in my case... I always felt guilty after digging into that Zinger burger from KFC and thought of making it up with the next morning's Jog... Surprisingly that MORNING never ever arrived...

This year's Valentine's Day... surprisingly, My ever unromantic husband gifted me an exclusive Hidesign Leather Bag... I was delighted and as I looked into his eyes he said... "He would like to see me the way I was during our Marriage... So I finally decided, no matter what, I have to lose all my weight and get back into shape... so, today I got myself enrolled into a nearby Gym and have also made up my mind to make some serious lifestyle changes... First to change my routine:

Day 1
5:45 am - Wake up and drink a glass of warm water with a lemon squeezed into it and a spoon of Honey.
6:30 am to 7:30 am - Work out at the Gym
8:30 am - Get ready and go to work
9 pm - Dinner time
11:30 pm - Go to sleep

Lets see how day 1 (18 Feb-2012) goes as I would chalk out the plan for Day 2 accordingly.

So all you guys reading my post... Please WISH ME LUCK...